2025 2024 2023 2022 2025 2024 2023 2022 A-new adhesive snap SDM-SFX01 A-Tapy card SMD-073, SMD-001 A-Silicone Elastic Tape H23-039 H23-8203, H23-8202, H23-8201 A-Metal Laser Print Button H23-044 H23-2601, H23-2602, H23-2603 A-Bulky Cord H23-047 H23-6817, H23-6816, H23-6818 A-Camera Bag Trims_1 H23-043 S23H6801, 0540113, 0510126, H23-6820, 1549017AA-S-BK01, HK-016, H23-6819, 100-6X6 A-Camera Bag Trims_2 H23-043 0540118-S, 1-05924, 1-06994, 0540027, H23-6820, 0540093, PB-128, PB-124, YS-6176 A-Engineered Tip with Print H23-045 H23-6801, H23-6802, 20200602-010, 20200602-011 A-Stylised Stretch Tape2 H23-048 H23-7901, H23-7902 A-Bulky Puller H23-053 H23-6805, H23-6806, H23-6804, H23-6803, H23-6807, H23-6808 A-Recycle logo Kombo H23-056 TH-5585-R1, TH-5586-R1 A-Metal Engraved Tip H23-057 H23-6813. H23-6814, H23-6815 A-Silicone Gripping Stretch Tape H23-058 H23-9501, H23-9502, H23-9503, H23-9504, H23-8101 A-Suede items H23-060 patch Zipper Guard H23-3103, H23-3104 A-Same body cordlock H23-063 P454, P453 A-Logo Mesh Tape H23-071 YJ019, H23-9505 A-3D Heat Transfer H22-143 H23-9801, H23-9802, H23-9803, H23-9804 A-H23-054 Chenille Silicone Velcro Patches H23-9603, H23-9602, H23-9601, H23-9605, H23-9604 A-Suede items2 H23-060 cordlock patch Zipper Puller Button H23-3109, H23-3108, H23-3101, H23-3102, H23-3105, H23-3106, H23-3107 A-Silione Grain Patch H23-6301, H23-6302, H23-6303, H23-6304 A-Springless Cordlock SL23, T1979, EST-H, 112-14975, 112-00185, 112-00830 A-Chargeurs Elastic Logo tape PBT105B, PS2102 A-Buckle Cards Series_1 121-30786-000000, 121-30785-000000, 121-30751-000000, 121-30750-000000, 121-30754-000000, 121-30753-000000, 121-31017-000000, 121-31001-000000 A-Buckle Cards Series_2 121-31303-000000, 121-30797-000000, 121-31014-000000, 121-30795-000000, 121-30793-000000, 121-30795-000000, 121-30794-000000, 121-30796-000000, 121-30794-000000 A-Buckle Cards Series_3 121-30724-000000, 121-30723-000000, 121-30729-000000, 121-30728-000000, 121-30706-000000, 121-30705-000000, 121-30731-000000, 121-30730-000000 A-Buckle Cards Series_4 121-30751-000000, 121-30749-000000, 121-30754-000000, 121-30752-000000, 121-31017-000000, 121-31000-000000, 121-30717-000000, 121-30716-000000 A-Buckle Cards Series_5 121-31030-000000, 121-31039-000000, 121-30783-000000, 121-30774-000000, 121-31029-000000, 121-31041-000000, 121-31031-000000, 121-31043-000000 A-Buckle Cards Series_6 121-31118-000000, 121-30758-000000, 121-30774-000000, 121-30778-000000, 121-30777-000000, 121-30781-000000, 121-30780-000000 A-Metal Cord Adjuster YA2772, YA2647, YA0072, YA2525 A-Basic Rib Card 23ZH-B0349/2-1, 23ZH-B0350/2-1, 23ZH-B0349/2-2, 23ZH-B0350/2-2, A-New development functional card_1 attachable part MGN22 A-New development functional card_3 Hinlock attachable part S416, S613, S456 A-Ring Collection Puller P440, P220, P187, P386M, P271, P250, P400, P185, P215, P186, P218, P459S A-Metallic Spray Metal Collection_1 Buckle, Cordlock H23-9303, PS-7468-R1(SMD), H23-9304, H23-9302, H23-9301 A-Knotted dipping puller_1 H23-6831, H23-6828, H23-6829, H23-6830 A-Pattened Flat Cord Collection H23-6836, H23-6835, H23-6837, H23-6838 A-Marble Assorted Trims, Puller, Drawcord HINLOCK_MXCOL, PS-5310/S292, PS-2917/KL273 A-Bluesign Velcro H23-6832, H23-6834, H23-6833 A-Yoga Catalogue Athleisure Collection_1 , Puller, Drawcord H23-6844-YC, H23-6843-YC, H23-6842-YC, H23-6841-YC, H23-6851-YC, H23-6852-YC, H23-6850-YC A-Yoga Catalogue Athleisure Collection_2 Cordlock, Drawcord, Kombo H23-6849-YC, P180S-PRINT-YC, P160S-YC, P356S-YC , P161S-YC, H23-6855-YC, H23-6840-YC, H23-6847-YC, H23-6846-YC, H23-6845-YC A-Yoga Catalogue Athleisure Collection_3, Tape H23-8104-YC, H23-8102-YC, H23-8103-YC, A-Overlock Edge + PU Hat Patch H23-9611, H23-9612,H23-9613, H23-9614 A-Gradient Buckles H23-6101, H23-6102, H23-6103, H23-6104 A-CID Resources_1, Puller, Drawcord H23-6824, H22-6841, H22-6850, H22-6819, H22-6822, H22-6849 A-Resources_2, Heat Transfer, Patch S22V10402, SMD-HSN35, S22V8601, SMD-HSN34, S22V8602 A-CID Resources_3, Patch H22-9602, H22-9601, H21-6858, C22U8301, H21-6856, C22J2903, C22J3107 A-CID Resources_4, Puller, Patch U22V6302, U22J2902, U22J2903, S22V8603, S22V10401, S22V8604, U22J2901, C22J2901 A-CID Resources_5, Rib 23ZH-B0436+1,23ZH-B0437+1 A-Resources_6 Buckle, attachable part 0540090, 0510126, 0540027, 0540118-S, PB-124, MCS14, PB-128, 1-06994, 0540113, 1-05924 A-Resources_7 Rib TYS2, TYS1 A-Resources_8, Tape H22-6817, H22-6816, H21-6807, SMD-KEB1 A-Resources_10, HINLOCK, snap button 81595PL/OT-076/F, 81595PL/OT-076/M A-Resources_11, Drawcord, Rib 23ZH-B0350+1, H22-6806, H22-6807, H22-6808, H22-6805, 23ZH-B0350+1 A-Resources_12 Drawcord, Rib 23ZH-B0349+1, PS-5850-R1/KL-891, PS-5847-R1/KL-273, TS-7075-R1/KL-247, ZT-0878-R1/S433, 23ZH-B0349+1 A-TPU Adhesive Cordlock_1 ST-TPU1H-01, ST-TPU2H-01, ST-TPU1H-02 A-TPU Adhesive Cordlock_2 S17OK01ABA, S17OK01BBA, S18OK01ABA A-Hard Trims Collection_1, Cordlock K091, K380, K489, K462, K460, K484, K036, K132, K164, K405, K264, K495, 0351216, K032B, K199, K397 A-Hard Trims Collection_2,attachable part, Cord holder 0360271, S183, S149, 135W0911, 135W0910, 0480428, S084-80 A-Hard Trims Collection_5, attachable part, Buckle 0540151, 0540150, 135W0997, 0540079, M1149-25, M1151-25 A-Hard Trims Collection_6, Buckle, Cordlock M1109-25, 135W0999, M1048-25, M1090-25, K064, K065 A-assorted and heat transfer_1, Heat transfer, Cordlock, Puller PS-7160-R, PS-7161-R1, P352, P352S, P347, P429S+logo, H23-6856, H23-6861, H23-6862,H23-3122, H23-9813 A-assorted and heat transfer_2, Puller, Heat transfer, Cordlock H23-3124, H23-3123, H23-6857, H23-6859, H23-6858, H23-6867, PS-4067, P180S A-heat transfer_1 H23-9806, S23J3107, H23-9810 A-heat transfer_2 H23-9805, H23-9807, H23-9809 A-heat transfer_3 H23-9808, H23-9812, H23-9811 A-QRcode item S22H6802, S23J3103, S21H6802, S22J3101,S22V8602:PT, H22-9802:HT A-Hard Trims Collection_3, Buckle YMB0078-26.5, YMF0019-30, M971-25, M03AB-38 A-Hard Trims Collection_4,attachable part, Buckle, Cordlock 054GJ791, 135W0998, 0540113, 0510126, K058, 0540096, F241, S735, M336-35 A-Reflective Rib Collection H23-8703, H23-8704, H23-8705 C-Remaining Items 2023 v20_1 U22J3105 A-Coloured Reflective Patches H23-3124, S23J3106, H23-3122, H23-3123 A-Golf1 C23H6301, C23J3110, C23J3113, H23-6864, H23-6863 A-Golf3 S20J3119, H23-3116, H21-6841, S20J3125, U23J3101#SLV, C23J3102, U23J3104, 95XAN1337-S17MS0102:Rivet, A-Golf4 H23-3112, 3DTPW-R #SLV, C17WH01, A146-0000380-D-LL5451, A054-14L-7579, A054-18L-7579, S613-marble, S613#BK, H23-6306, U23J3105 A-bulky cord lock P144, P10, P104, P138, P154, P296, P1B, P147, P150, P153, P105, P260, P284, P239, P252, P51, P197, P11 A-H23-141 STN STP card_1 STN001, STN011, STP009, STP099 A-H23-141 STN STP card_2 EYE2012, EYE2019, SHUX2019, MINI13, MOJ85, QU101 A-H23-141 STN STP card_3 STP008, STP888, STP777, STP077, STP007 A-Metallic Spray Metal Collection_2 Buckle, Patch, Tape, Drawcord H23-9305, PT3091, H23-9306, H23-9307, H23-9308, H23-9309